
They stole his memories.

Deleted his dreams.

Because he was government property. 


They gave him one year to live.

At an alien war front.

To save a world he'll never see. 


Programmed to fight and kill.

He just wants to live.

Private Peter Mitchell, one of thousands of recycled, cloned soldiers holds the front lines of a deep space war. To save a world he’ll never see. He survives because of a memory replacement chip (MRC) that parses out the horrors of war and anything that stops him from killing the enemy.

But Peter isn’t like the other recombinants.

He doesn’t want to fight or kill. He wants to live. Marred by deep sensitivity and self-reflection, he is failing his training sims. Endangering his entire unit.

As the Antarans push closer to Earth, Hardware Reclamation Specialist, Dr. Jeannette Kingston discovers a catastrophic failure in the recombinant tech, affecting entire batches of recombinants. She must make a brutal decision: report the defect and destroy hundreds of recombinants, including Private Mitchell Or say nothing and risk losing the war—and her home world.


Recombinant is the first novel in the Experiencing True Purple series, a genetic-engineering military alien invasion war saga set in a fictional future Earth and its neighboring galaxy of Taus. 


Sting taught him how to fight.

Peter taught Sting how to hope.

Together, they taught each other how to survive.


And Peter will risk everything

To change Ku’Tal’s outcome.

Peter Mitchell returned from Ku’Tal to a life that he’d ached to live. To the woman he loved. But after escaping the military, he can’t settle into this incredible new life. Because he can’t forget his best friend.

 He attempts to reach a forbidden alien outpost where captured recombinants are taken—for experimentation. Until the night Antarans attack Civilization’s training base.

 In retaliation, Captain D’Angelo, Sergeant David Temple’s unhinged commanding officer, leads a covert op to the Antaran outpost. Forcing David and Diana to join this descent into madness.

 Peter dons another recombinant’s uniform and joins the suicide mission. Risking discovery. Risking D’Angelo recognizing him. Risking execution to save Sting.


Helix is the second novel in the Experiencing True Purple series, a genetic-engineering military alien invasion war saga set in a fictional future Earth and its neighboring galaxy of Taus.


Antarans overrun Civilization

As ancient ruins light up across the system.

Triggered by Peter Mitchell’s DNA.

The war converges on Civilization as ancient ruins light up across the system. Triggered by Peter Mitchell’s DNA. As Peter unravels the tangled truth about his existence and the enigmatic secrets encoded in his DNA, Antarans assault the planet while UCOE government operatives demand answers about Dr. Orlando Constantine.

 As betrayals emerge and Dr. Constantine’s mysterious plan takes shape, Peter becomes an unwilling pawn when he discovers the shocking fate of the lost Earth colonies on Naharra and Ballese.

 When hidden code in Peter’s DNA activates, he discovers that he carries a genetic key to an ancient alien machine that could turn the tide of the war. A key that both factions will stop at nothing to seize.

 A key spliced into Peter Mitchell’s DNA.