Prince Charming Hour DARE Day 1: 5732 words

Posting this a day late. Yesterday was a crazy, busy day with the launch of Landfall. So, I didn’t get Day 1 of the new dare posted. Ron Collins and Brigid Collins Kendall challenged me to an October dare. So, I am writing book two of a new series called A Game of Lost Souls. Book 1: The Cinderella Hour will launch in November. A dare in October is perfect timing for me to get the first draft of book 2: The Prince Charming Hour written. Book 3 is titled The Ever After Hour.

The book got off to a roaring start. I put down 4716 words by 11 PM last night, all in Talia’s POV. Was going to wait until today to start Jack’s first POV chapter, but was anxious to get to his character. Put down another 1016 works before midnight for a grand total of 5732. The story is so clear in my head. I hope this Dare continues like this—with story clarity, that is. But it’s nice to hit that many words in one day. Feels like the good old dare days when I couldn’t type the words fast enough because my brain was on fire with all these images and scenes and story.

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